詩歩/Shiho (死ぬまでに行きたい!世界の絶景📚著者) on Instagram: "🍁
日本三大名瀑 #袋田の滝 を遠くからパシャリ!
これは帰り道にある「四度の茶屋 三六亭」で、そのテラス席からだとコーヒーを飲みながらこの角度で滝がみれるんです!吊橋と滝を一緒に写すと、滝のサイズ感がより伝わるかな〜?
茨城県さんのお仕事で「 #Zekkeiいばらき ツアー」を監修&同行してきました!今年で5年目になるお仕事💪
Japan's three most famous waterfalls, #Fukurodawaterfalls , in the distance!Can you spot me in the small photo? 🔍
The photo I posted the other day was taken from the observation deck of Fukuroda Falls, but you can also see the falls from this angle 📷. You can see the waterfall from this angle while drinking a cup of coffee from the terrace of the “Miroku-tei" tea house on the way back! I wonder if you can get a better sense of the size of the waterfall if you take a picture of the suspension bridge and the waterfall together?
📷 Nov 2020
📍Fukurofa waterfalls/Ibaraki Japan