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Year of Naming: 2009 In the Meiji era (1868 - 1912), Ginza was a place that could be described using words such as “brick buildings,” “colonnades,” and “gas lanterns,” and was reminiscent of a town somewhere in Europe. However, insofar as street names are concerned, “Gasuto” (gas lantern”) was the only one used which described characteristics of this distinct architecture period in the district’s history. Perhaps it was because bricks had become such a given in Ginza that those responsible for naming the streets consciously made an unspoken decision not to use the word “brick” in the street names. This taboo passed however, and in 2009, the street one behind Namiki-dori spanning Ginza 1 through 4-Chome was named “Ginza-Renga-dori” (“Ginza “Brick” Street” in English). This street emerged amidst the Ginza brick city construction phase itself. Since its name changed, Ginza-Renga-dori seems to have become a more a more refined and picturesque street. You can download the pamphlet in PDF through this link. ginza.jp/en/tourist-map It is available at the tourist centers around Ginza as well. ginza.jp/en/townguide/touristo...
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